Follow The Leader

Follow the Leader is a middle leadership and management programme for those who sometimes have to lead, sometimes have to follow and nearly always have to manage. This series is aimed at people who wish to improve their skills and effectiveness in the workplace and will be excited by the opportunity to work in a small group with experienced trainers.  

Workshops are face to face and include a range of activities to enable participants to focus their learning and development on the topic.  Style, content and method will vary between workshops, but all involve interactive learning that really enables participants to take away skills to use in their current and future roles.

Please view the individual workshops below for further details on course content, as well as cost per session and locations.

The overall programme is led by Jo Goldsmith on behalf of Lead. For general queries on Follow the Leader and for any suggestions of future topics please contact Jo -


  • The fee for in-person workshops varies by each session. Details on fees can be found by clicking on the links for each workshop below.

    We are able to invoice organisations or individuals for payment. Participants can attend any number or combination of sessions. 

  • Please note that course fees are non-refundable. If you cancel more than 48 hours ahead of the course date / time, you will be given the opportunity to re-book on another course within the Follow the Leader series (either this course title or another one).

    Once the registration form has been completed and submitted, an invoice will be issued via e-mail to the relevant individual named within the form.