Lead Facilitators

  • Cheryl is an independent consultant working in learning, development and business improvement. Her career has been in the public and private sector in diverse organisations including advertising, banks, education and NHS.

    Her passion is changing organisations and individuals so that the work is more productive, customer focussed and satisfying. She has done this through strategy development, education management, leadership programmes and business improvement teams, never underestimating complexity and the role of conversation. She has set up Learning and Development departments and held Assistant Director OD positions, most recently in a Mental Health Organisation which had 60 hospitals across the UK. Her task was to align and oversee all education and training ensuring it led to real outcomes for the patients. To achieve this she led a major IT project to implement e learning for staff and patients that they could get excited about. As well as making business cases and project management Cheryl also designed and wrote programmes always with an emotional connection to the delegates. She also coaches aspiring leaders.

    More recently Cheryl has diversified. Her work includes international development particularly in Ghana where she has written and is implementing a strategy to lift people out of poverty. This is partly achieved by identifying and developing young leaders and supporting them on ambitious projects. In 2012 ago Cheryl founded a refugee charity providing drop in, outings and a choir. The aim is to help refugees integrate, socialise and become independent and settled. She is also Trustee of a hospice and a lay member of the Employment Tribunal.

    Cheryl is deeply committed to work that enables people to develop themselves and in turn serve in supporting the development of others. She holds a B.ED and MSc in Education Management. She also has post graduate qualifications in Advanced Process Consultancy (Tavistock) and Coaching. In addition she is qualified Level A & B psychometric tests and MBTI.

  • A partner in the Charities Team at Womble Bond Dickinson LLP, Jo provides advice to charities and social enterprises from start ups to national and international organisations. Jo has particular expertise in charity mergers, incorporations (including Charitable Incorporated Organisations), charity governance, collaborations and joint ventures, disputes, grant making and fundraising. She also advises many religious organisations on matters of charity law and compliance.

    Jo is currently Chair of the Charity Law Association. She is ranked nationally in Band 1 of Chambers & Partners (legal directory) for charity law which noted “She combines an encyclopaedic knowledge of charity law with a thoroughly pragmatic approach.”

  • Richard Hunt leads CAF Bank’s Customer & Lending team. He helps charities and housing associations to find the right loan finance support for their projects, so they can make an even bigger difference for their beneficiaries. In his personal life, he is an active trustee.

    Email: RHunt@cafonline.org

    CAF Bank exists to help organisations with a social purpose do more for the communities they support. We provide banking and lending services designed for Scottish housing associations and charities.

  • In addition to designing and facilitating bespoke strategic workshops and training events, Isabelle is experienced in the design and delivery of organisational diagnostics using tools such as EFQM, Balanced Scorecard, structured interviews, focus groups, questionnaires and trend analysis of customer/client feedback.

    Isabelle has an MBA, and qualifications in Psychology, Careers Guidance, Personnel Management, Coaching and Quality Management Systems. She is licensed to administer the NHS Leadership Qualities Framework 360 feedback tool, Myers Briggs, OPQ, Firo B, Wave, and Hogan tools.

    Isabelle was previously a Non Executive Director for NHS Brent and a lay member for Brent fostering panel.

  • Michelle is Co-Chief Executive of the JLC and Executive Director of Lead.

    She is responsible for the strategic growth and direction of the organisation.

    Before joining Lead, she worked for Masorti Judaism as their Operations Director for 5 years managing programming, events and volunteer development. Michelle has also previously worked as a Head of Department in a London school and was seconded to Middlesex University as a lecturer.

    She has completed an MBA with a focus on senior lay-professional relationships in the UK Jewish community, Michelle’s links to leadership training and development stretch back over 20 years.

  • Brenda has over 30 years’ experience as a consultant, trainer, mediator, and facilitator. She specialises in leadership development with expertise in a range of equality, diversity, and inclusion interventions.

    Her background is in the voluntary sector. After running a couple of charities, she worked for the NHS in learning and development services.

    In 1994 she went on to set up her own successful consultancy. She now works with people on all levels of an organisation from the Board to frontline staff in a diverse range of public, private and the not for profit sectors nationally.

    Brenda is an independent management consultant with experience that spans NHS, local government and the private sector. Brenda has particular skills in meeting organisational and personal goals through: Change Management, Organisation Development, Mentoring and Coaching, Career Management and Quality Management. Brenda has particular expertise in partnership working between Health, Social Services and Education.

  • Shelly Marsh is the Executive Director of Reshet: the network for Jewish youth provision. Shelley previously worked as the Executive Director of Limmud and Director of Informal Education for UJIA. Shelley spent 10 years living in Israel, teaching in both formal and informal educational settings. She holds an MA in Community Leadership. Shelley’s work on self-esteem in young people has been published and reported internationally. She is a qualified NLP practitioner. Shelley is a Designated Safeguarding Lead and is part of the National Safeguarding Youth Forum. In her free time, Shelley is the family representative to ESPNIC (The European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care), an advisor to the Children’s Aid Committee Fund and sits on the National Youth Safeguarding Forum.

  • Daniel is an Agile Coach working to build self organising, adaptable and aligned teams. He's currently a Senior Delivery Manager at Legal Aid Agency Digital in the UK Ministry of Justice. He works with software teams who build and maintain critical government digital services. Prior to the Civil Service he was an Agile Delivery Lead at giffgaff, and an Agile Coach at Cancer Research UK.

    Daniel uses Agile methodologies and principles to build resilient and democratic organisations. This approach is grounded in the belief that excellent organisations need alignment and autonomy, and the structures and practices which facilitate these aims.

    Before the wonderful world of Agile Daniel used to run Shuka - a shakshuka food stall in East London, and worked in Public Health Innovation at Cancer Research UK. His interests include Behavioural Sciences, Facilitation Methodologies, and exploring how we can use scientific knowledge about human behaviour to build better workplaces.

    For fun Daniel rock climbs, ferments things, plays music and tries to keep his houseplants alive.

  • Michael is a Chartered Psychologist who has devoted the last 30 years as a consultant to large organisations and professional service firms to help make them better and more productive places for people to work in and develop their talents. He has particular expertise in co-leading culture change projects and helping people observe and understand each other’s behaviour.

    His book “Managing the Psychological Contract” describes some of the ides which underpin his workshops.

    Michael is married to Ruth, and has a son Zack. His passions include high altitude mountain walking, Japanese gardening and acrylic painting.

  • Diane is the founder of Connecting to Excellence and works with a cross-sector of clients in Europe, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East. She provides a supportive challenge in coaching senior leaders and facilitating teams in the private, public and voluntary sectors, including automotive (Audi), pharmaceutical (Medtronic and Boehringer Ingelheim), software (Gartner), business schools (LBS, SAID Bus school in Oxford, Judge Bus School in Cambridge, Chicago Booth in Singapore and London), finance (Santander and Lloyds TSB), construction (Mansell) and health (NHS).

    She specialises in enabling teams to go from good to great, addressing how they can become a high performing team. She also works creatively with boards and executives to develop their vision and strategy. She helps leaders articulate the outcome they want so they can live the change they want to see. Diane engages whole organisations to deliver results and improve the bottom line while ensuring voices across the organisation can be heard.

    She is particularly adept at connecting with people quickly and uses her multi-cultural experiences to enrich her work. Her pragmatism, energy and enthusiasm engage people in active self-development. Working with her, people quickly feel safe and try out new behaviours that they may not have tried before. By listening carefully, she finds out what really matters to each of her clients; using creative and interactive methods to get individuals and teams to explore what is important. Through informal methodologies and formal psychometrics, Diane empowers people to achieve their potential – whatever their level.

    Diane is an ICF Professional Certified Coach and an EMCC EIA Senior Practitioner. She has diplomas in Advanced Executive Coaching (AoEC) and Organisational Development (NTL Institute) and is qualified in psychometric tests specialising in MBTI Step I+II and Firo-B. She has a BSc degree in Statistics and Psychology and a post-graduate degree in Organisational Psychology.

  • Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum is Dean of LSJS and holds the Rabbi Sacks Chair in Modern Jewish Thought at the school. He is a rabbinic leader, lecturer and author with a passion for teaching traditional Jewish texts and innovative educational programming for young and old.

    He gained a PhD in Theoretical Physics from King’s College London, leading to the publication of a number of papers on Quantum Chaos Theory. He also completed an MA in Adult Education, with distinction, at the Institute of Education in London.

    As well as Dean of LSJS, Rabbi Dr Zarum currently serves as the Scholar-in-Residence at the Central Square Minyan in Hampstead Garden Suburb. He studied at Yeshivat HaKotel in Jerusalem and the Kollel of the Judith Lady Montefiore College in London where he received rabbinic ordination. The semicha was given by, amongst others, Emeritus Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l; Dayan Ezra Basri, the former Av Bet Din of Jerusalem; and Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy, the Emeritus Spiritual Leader of the Spanish and Portuguese Community.

    Rabbi Dr Zarum is a graduate of the prestigious Jerusalem Fellows programme at the Mandel Leadership Institute in Israel. He was the first Head of faculty of the Florence Melton Adult Mini School UK and was Director of Text-Based Jewish Education at the UJIA Centre for Informal Jewish Education. He is the creator of the Torah L’Am crash course and is the author of the ‘Torat Hadracha’ and ‘Jampacked Bible’ educational study guides.

    Rabbi Dr Zarum is a regular contributor to the UK Jewish Press and has written articles for a number of books and journals. He is a highly sought after lecturer and teaches at conferences and seminars, synagogues and Jewish community centres across the globe, both in-person and online.