Join Lead to Celebrate Its 10th Anniversary

On Wednesday 23rd November, Lead is delighted to be hosting an in person event to celebrate its 10th anniversary. We will be looking back at the great successes of our many leadership programmes including the flagship Adam Science Leadership Programme and the Dangoor Senior Leadership Programme. Carrying on with the theme of great leadership JLC Chair Keith Black will be in conversation with James Timpson OBE DL who is Chief Executive of Timpson Ltd, a retail business with over 2000 shops. James is also Chair of The Prison Reform Trust, a Trustee of Tate and Chair of Tate Enterprises Limited. There will be an opportunity for Q&As from the audience as well drinks and Canapes served through the evening to make this an unmissable event.

Thanks to the generous support of the Rubin Foundation this is a free event for all attendees.

To secure your place please complete this short form. For further information please contact


Abraham Accords Anniversary


London School of Jewish Studies