Leadership Pipeline
Read more about our last event here.
Since October 7th, there has been a palpable desire and energy among Jewish professionals to engage with and support the community. Additionally, we hear from communal organisations who are thinking about succession, and the next generation of lay leadership in the community. That’s why we are building a series of events bringing Jewish communal organisations and committed emerging leaders together in a space to meet, learn and connect.
Supported by an Advisory Group made up of Lead staff and communal representatives we have held two events bringing 120 people together so far, kindly sponsored by the Henry Family Foundation. Click on the posters and view the photos below to find out about each of these events. Please check back for news of our next event.
If you would like to express interest or find out more about this initiative, please contact Nick Young at nick@thejlc.org.
Quotes from participants at our events:
“The panel was very inspiring! Great to hear two powerful women speaking vulnerably about their challenges and insights, gives me some ideas about how to develop myself as well.”
“I thought it was a brilliant event, really informative and enjoyable. I talked to some great people who I will follow up with, and learned about opportunities that I hadn’t thought about before.”
“The event inspired me to connect with the other people I shared a table with and explore more.”