JLC holds Old Bailey celebration to mark the Jewish contribution to the City of London

On Thursday 30th March the JLC held an event at the Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court) in the Square Mile to celebrate the Jewish contribution to the historic City of London.

The event was hosted by Alderman and Sheriff Alastair King DL of the City of London Corporation, and sponsored by Regal London.

Amongst the almost 300 guests were Peers, MPs, London Assembly Members, Aldermans and Councillor of the City of London, Rabbis, community leaders and business people.

The event heard a number of speeches, including from the former Lord Mayor of the City of London, Sir Michael Bear, and Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Marvis.

In comments to the audience, JLC Chair Keith Black said:

“The thing I am proudest of  is of our Jewish community’s ability to integrate into society without assimilating. To be meaningfully engaged and concerned members of society without shunning our unique traditions but instead putting them to the service of the entire nation.

“And one of the most remarkable aspects of the Jewish contribution to London has been its commitment to philanthropy and social justice. From the first Baron Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild to today’s remarkable philanthropists, our community continues to put back, to look after those less fortunate, Jew or non-Jew, with great pride.

“Today, Jews continue to play a vital role in the City at all levels. In business, law, finance, and politics. As shop keepers, cabbies and academics and a myriad of other professions. The Great Synagogue, commemorated 10 minutes from where we stand, with a plaque stating ‘the great synagogue stood near this site until 1272’ no longer stands in Old Jewry but Britain’s oldest synagogue the beautiful Bevis Marks, now takes its pride of place in the City. I am delighted that Rabbi Shalom Morris, the Rabbi of Bevis Marks, is here with us this evening.”

Alderman and Sheriff Alastair King DL said:

“It was a great pleasure to be able to host a wonderful event jointly with the Jewish Leadership Council. The contribution of the Jewish Communities to the City of London has been immense over the centuries. It was a delight  to see so many remarkable people marking this contribution at this event”.


JLC Chair Keith Black's letter in the Guardian discussing the Guardian’s Antisemitic Cartoon


JLC Chair Keith Black: We must all remember what a wonderful country we live in