Light With Pride Campaign

In light of recent concerns within the Jewish community, the JLC is proud to announce the launch of the #LightWithPride campaign. This initiative was sparked by the initial decision of a London Council to cancel a Chanukah lighting, a decision that has since been thankfully reversed. Recent weeks have seen distressing trends, including British Jews feeling compelled to remove mezuzahs, conceal Magen Davids, alter their surnames on apps, and refrain from wearing kippahs. In other words, being scared to be outwardly Jewish. 

Our #LightWithPride is an invitation for each of us to proudly celebrate our heritage. As part of this campaign, we encourage you to light your Chanukiah, capture the moment, and share it on social media using the hashtag #lightwithpride. By doing so, we collectively affirm that our traditions and identity are sources of joy and resilience. Your participation will be a source of encouragement and strength to others. The flickering lights of our Chanukiahs symbolise our unwavering spirit and commitment to confronting intolerance with pride and solidarity. 


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