JLC and PaJeS host Shadow Education Team for Tour and Roundtable

The JLC and PaJeS hosted Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson MP and her education team for a tour of Akiva School in Finchley and a roundtable discussion on Labour’s plans for the education sector should they form the next government.

In her first visit to a Jewish day school, Ms Phillipson was joined by Shadow Schools Minister Stephen Morgan MP. Following a tour of the school by Akiva Headteacher Claire Silver, the JLC hosted a roundtable discussion at the Sternberg Centre for Judaism with a delegation from the schools and higher education sector within the community, including Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers of the Jewish Community Day School advisory board, new UJS President Joel Rosen, and Hasmonean Boys Headteacher Debbie Lebrett, amongst others.

Issues discussed included faith schools, antisemitism in schools/higher education, and holocaust education.


Bridget Phillipson MP, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary, said:

“It was a privilege to visit Akiva School today, to see a wonderful school under the leadership of Head Claire Silver.

I was delighted to also participate in the education roundtable organised by the Jewish Leadership Council. Hearing face-to-face from those involved in combatting anti-Jewish racism across the education sector, as well as supporting Jewish students on campus and ensuring the lessons of the Holocaust are learnt by all was inspiring.”


Russell Langer, Head of Policy and Research at the Jewish Leadership Council said:

“I was glad to facilitate a discussion between the Shadow Secretary of State and communal colleagues to brief her on the key issues concerning education. We look forward to engaging further with Bridget and her team to follow up on this insightful conversation.”

Rabbi David Meyer, Executive Director of PaJeS said:

“We thank the Shadow Secretary of State, Bridget Philipson and Shadow Minister for School, Stephen Morgan for spending so much time with us this morning. We greatly appreciate the interest they have shown in the Jewish community and their support for Jewish schools. We all enjoyed the tour of Akiva School and thank the staff and students for making everyone feel welcome and talking frankly about the benefits of a faith education as well as the challenges currently facing school leadership.”


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