Michele has been a WIZO executive member for about 40 years and trustee at various times. In addition, she was co-Chair of AVIV, responsible for forming and nurturing younger groups throughout the country from 1990-1996, co-Chair of Jewish Women’s Week Campaign 1996-2002 for its’ annual nationwide door to door collection, Chair of WIZOuk from 2002-2006 and President from 2006-2012. She is now its Honorary President.
Michele has been a member of JLC from 2006 as WIZO representative and thereafter as a VP. She was involved in the JLC’s Commission on Women in Jewish Leadership, specifically to advance gender equality in communal life in 2012.
She is a volunteer for the HSC (Holocaust Survivors’ Centre) and Bushey United Synagogue.
Originally from Leeds, Michele has a BA and Dip Ed from Leeds University (1966-69). She taught French and German, and is married with 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren.