Employee Experience Survey 

The purpose of the Employee Experience Survey is to help individual organisations understand and improve how their employees’ experience work, whilst simultaneously creating aggregate data for the Community as a whole. This allows organisations to analyse their performance against a sector-wide benchmark, and will help us to identify trends across communal organisations.

Register as an organisation

    • You are a registered charity in the Jewish Community in the UK

    • You have been registered for at least 12 months

    • You have at least 4 employees (this is a critical number in order to provide confidentiality and analysis of data in your organisation)

    • Registration requires a nominated individual from each organisation to apply and then provide data on the staff participating at a later date.

  • What is Leading Edge?

    Leading Edge delivers employee experience surveys, among other tools and programs, to the USA Jewish nonprofit sector, helping Jewish nonprofits improve their workplace culture and leadership so that they can better achieve their missions. They know that when organisations enable their employees to provide feedback at work, they can recruit and retain great people, and build a healthy and sustainable workplace culture. Following a successful pilot in 2023, they have generously agree to support us in replicating this for the UK Jewish charitable sector.

  • Get involved

    We are encouraging organisations to sign up in order to gain the most benefit from the survey and analysis. Organisations who participated last year will be able to compare their data year on year. The survey is open to charities working within the Jewish Community in the UK.

Why are we doing it?

As part of the JLC’s strategic work to strengthen communal capacity and capability, we are committed to understanding in more depth the barriers and motivations of working professionally in the community, what makes Jewish Charities great places to work and how we can further support community organisations to succeed.

It’s confidential

Leading Edge and the JLC are committed to keeping all responses 100% confidential. The results will only be shared with those who are specifically designated by your organisation to have access. We will publish overall reports but these are based on fully anonymised aggregate data and no data specific to any individual organisation will ever be publicly released without explicit consent.


Thanks to the generous support of Leading Edge, this year there is no cost for JLC members to participate in the survey. Non-members will pay a small admin fee based on their organisational size. This is the second year the survey has been offered in the UK and this ground-breaking partnership signals a real moment of focus to highlight the value that professional staff play in our excellent community organisations, and build on exciting data gathered to better understand our community in the workplace.

JLC non-member costs:

  • 1-100 employees: £150

  • 101-500 employees: £300

  • 501+ employees: £600

You’re in good company

The purpose of the Leading Edge Employee Experience Survey is to provide insight into employees’ experiences at work, and allow leaders to identify organisational strengths as well as growth areas. Leading Edge will provide access to materials and resources that will help organisations throughout the survey process. Since 2016, nearly 500 organisations in the USA have participated in Leading Edge surveys. Participating organisations range in staff size from 6 to over 1,000, and include JCCs, youth organisations, federations, social justice organisations, synagogues, human service organisations, foundations, schools, and more.  You can read more online here in the report that summarizes the results from the 2023 survey. 


  • Leading Edge is a USA based organisation that helps Jewish nonprofits improve their workplace culture and leadership so that they can better achieve their missions. They know that when organisations enable their employees to provide feedback at work, they can recruit and retain great people, and build a healthy and sustainable workplace culture.

  • The purpose of the Leading Edge Employee Experience Survey is to provide insight into your employees’ experiences at work, and allow you to identify organisational strengths as well as growth areas. Since 2016, nearly 500 organisations in the USA have participated in Leading Edge surveys. Participating organisations range in staff size from 6 to over 1,000, and include JCCs, youth organisations, federations, social justice organisations, synagogues, human service organisations, foundations, schools, and more. You can read more online here in the report that summarizes the results from the 2023 survey.

  • The JLC will have access to the overall results of the survey to analyse and interpret the trends across the community. Once the results are in, the JLC will be able to analyse the data, sharing findings with wider community stakeholders alongside considering the impact of the survey. The JLC will not see data from individual organisations unless the organisation chooses to share their data set/dashboard with the JLC. The JLC will not share information from the survey that would identify an organisation or individual without their explicit permission.

  • The JLC and Leading Edge will comply with all aspects of GDPR and you can read the JLC’s privacy policy here.

  • Leading Edge guarantees the confidentiality of all organisations and employees. They are committed to ensuring no individual organisation’s data is ever made public. The JLC is also committed to this. Any data that is shared will be in aggregate form and will adhere to strict confidentiality thresholds. To ensure that staff feel comfortable being as honest as possible, all answers and comments that employees provide in the survey are 100% CONFIDENTIAL. At no point will your organisation, or the JLC have access to individual responses or know who has responded to the survey.

    Leading Edge and the JLC will protect this information through a set of safeguards and security protocols, and results will be reported to organisational leaders as part of the organisation's overall data. Leaders will be able to view and group data in different ways, but at no point will organisations have access to responses associated with any individual

    Where Leading Edge or the JLC publishes data they will be based on fully anonymised aggregate data, but no data specific to any individual organisation will ever be publicly released without your explicit consent.

  • Registered charities working within the Jewish community, based in the UK.

  • Ideally we would like organisations to sign up and take advantage of the opportunity to hear from staff about their experiences. We are also offering the opportunity for individuals to sign up and have their voices heard. If we receive over 6 responses from any organisation - either via a coordinated group from the organisation, or via individuals who have participated independently, we will then be able to share the results with the organisation to view their data/dashboard.

  • The survey includes mostly rating scale questions, on a five-point system ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Participants can share verbatim comments for any question. Other questions include optional demographic questions and open-ended questions. The survey covers topics like employee engagement, leadership, collaboration, and communication.

  • Email Natasha at natasha@thejlc.org

Take part.