Whether you need to take on new challenges, keep on top of developments or enhance your performance at work, undertaking learning and development can help.
By making sure you have the right balance of knowledge, skills and behaviours, you can develop or enhance the competencies needed to provide high quality work. At the same time, you will be able to achieve your goals and increase your job satisfaction.
This session will help you to consider your aims in life and set goals to realise and maximise your potential.
To help you consider your aims in life and set goals to realise and maximise your potential.
By the end of the workshop, delegates will gain an understanding of:
• Where they have come from and where they are now
• Johari’s window- a model for self-reflection
• What they might want as a next step
• Their strengths and priorities, skills gaps and training needs
• Different types of development
• Ways in which they can enlist the help of others in their development
Cheryl Brodie