David Dangoor DL was born in New York, grew up in Baghdad and at Carmel College, and studied physics at Imperial College London. He then worked as a systems analyst at IBM.

He is married to Judy with 4 children and 4 grandchildren.

David has been involved in Jewish community activities for most of his life and was President of the Elders of the S&P Sephardi Community 2011-2016. He is President, of Jewish Renaissance magazine, and a Trustee of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre UK.

David has been very active as the Sponsor Governor of Westminster Academy since it was founded in 2006. 

Passionate about widening access to science and medicine and active in developing a number of projects and initiatives for this, David is Hon. President of the Space Science Engineering Foundation and is also a member of the International Board of the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel.

David has been a promoter of interfaith harmony for many years and is Chair of the Lord Lieutenant of Greater London’s Faith Council.